Installation ============ You will need `Python `_ version 2.7 or better to run :mod:`dataflake.ldapconnection`. It is advisable to install :mod:`dataflake.ldapconnection` into a :term:`virtualenv` in order to obtain isolation from any "system" packages you've got installed in your Python version (and likewise, to prevent :mod:`dataflake.ldapconnection` from globally installing versions of packages that are not compatible with your system Python). After you've got the requisite dependencies installed, you may install :mod:`dataflake.ldapconnection` into your Python environment using the following command:: $ easy_install dataflake.ldapconnection or:: $ pip install dataflake.fakeldap If you use :mod:`zc.buildout` you can add :mod:`dataflake.fakeldap` to the necessary ``eggs`` section to have it pulled in automatically. When you ``easy_install`` or ``pip`` :mod:`dataflake.fakeldap`, the :term:`pyldap` libraries are installed if they are not present.